The French press is a timeless and straightforward method for brewing rich, full-bodied coffee. It’s perfect for both beginners and seasoned coffee lovers, offering flexibility and ease of use. One of the standout benefits of the French press is its ability to brew large volumes of coffee at once, making it an ideal choice for big family breakfasts or when you’re hosting friends. With just a few simple steps, you can ensure everyone’s cup is filled and no one’s left waiting for their morning brew.


French Press:

(Press pot, coffee press, plunger pot, Cafetiere, Coffee plunger)


30g Coffee:

Your choice of coffee beans, ground to a medium consistency

Coffee Grinder:

To freshly grind your coffee for the best taste

Kettle :

Nothing fancy requiered.


For accurate measurement of coffee and water


Preheat the French Press: Start by rinsing the French press with hot water to stabilise the brewing temperature.


Measure and Grind: Weigh out 35g of coarsely ground coffee, ideal for French press brewing.


Begin Brewing: Heat 500ml of water to around 93°C, then pour it over the coffee grounds, stirring gently to ensure even saturation.


Steep: Place the lid on the French press with the plunger pulled up, and let the coffee steep for 5 minutes.


Stir, Skim and Plunge: After 5 minutes, stir gently, remove any floating grounds with a spoon, and plunge slowly and steadily.


Pour and Serve: Wait an extra 2 minutes to allow flavours to settle, then pour and enjoy.




Tips #1


Tailor to Taste: Experiment with different brew times and coffee-to-water ratios to suit your taste


Tips #2


Control your Grind: Use a burr grinder to achieve consistently coarse grounds for a more uniform extraction. Darker roasts need a looser grind setting.


Tips #3


Beware of the Shallows: The last bit of liquid in the French press will have a ‘sludge’. Stop serving before this to stop small fines getting in your cup

