El Conjuro

Peru / Washed


Whole Beans

A velvety smooth community grown coffee with flavours of forest fruit, chocolate and orange citrus melding deliciously over a creamy butterscotch sweetness.


Producer: Producers in the El Conjuro Group

Region: Chontalí and Colasay Districts, Jaen Province, Cajamarca Region, Peru

Farm:  El Conjuro

Cultivar: Caturra, Bourbon, Catimor

Process: Washed

Altitude: 1600 - 2100m asl




The stunning, soaring peaks of Northern Peru seem to go on endlessly into the high Andean cordillera. Surrounding the city of Jaen, these impossibly steep slopes are blanketed in lush, montane forests. These densely forested mountains provide ideal shaded conditions for cultivating exceptional coffee. Combined with traditional Arabica coffee varieties grown in the region, this unique environment lays the foundation for producing coffee of outstanding quality.

Here, the act of combining harvests as a community remains remains an important way of processing coffee for many families. Those in the Chontalí and Colasay districts south of Jaen city embrace this practice, naming their harvest after the Cerro Conjuro mountain ridge that dominates their shared coffee landscape.

El Conjuro, a washed process coffee, exemplifies the exceptional quality achievable in Northern Peru. Depending on the climate during harvesting, the fermentation process after pulping can last up to two days, allowing flavours to develop and mature while retaining the balance and approachability that Peruvian coffees are celebrated for.

A silky, butterscotch sweetness of El Conjuro blends effortlessly with complementary flavours of dark forest fruits, rich chocolate and zesty orange citrus. Supporting these flavours is a silky texture bringing the best out of the chocolate and fruit notes of El Conjero. As the coffee cools there are
hints of praline and sweet shortbread on the finish. Our light roast will work across a range of brewers with filter, French press or aeropress bringing out the best of the finesse and subtlety.

